Tips For Getting Your Kids to Brush & Floss Regularly

If you’re a parent and you want to protect your little one’s oral health, it’s critical to develop a healthy hygiene routine. With proper brushing and flossing, your kids will avoid common dental issues like cavities and gum disease, and form oral care habits that will last a lifetime. At We Care Dental Care, we want to work with you to help keep your family happy and healthy. Here are a few of our top tips to develop a healthy hygiene routine at home:

1. Lead By Example And Brush As A Family

Once your kids can tie their own shoes, they usually have the dexterity to start brushing their teeth on their own. However, it’s still a good idea to supervise and brush your teeth along with your kids, and make it a family event. This has a few benefits:

First, you can spend time with your kids while you brush your teeth, and make it a fun morning/nighttime event! Second, it ensures that you lead by example. Your habits have a huge impact on those of your kids, so if they see you brushing and flossing properly, they’ll be more likely to follow suit. Finally, it lets you observe your kids and make sure they’re brushing properly.

2. Don’t Forget About Flossing!

Adults and children alike should be flossing at least once per day. Brushing alone can’t remove bacteria, plaque, and tartar from hard-to-reach places in your mouth. You’ll need to floss for your kids until they are about 8-10 years old, as it’s a bit tougher to learn to floss than it is to learn to brush. If you don’t know how to floss properly, there are many informative, useful reference videos online that can help. You can also feel free to call or stop by our office for more tips and tricks!

3. Be Consistent About When You And Your Kids Brush Your Teeth

Ideally, you should brush at least twice per day in the morning and at night. Whether you choose to brush right when you wake up or after breakfast, after dinner or right before bed, make sure that you and your kids maintain a consistent schedule. Forming a good habit and routine is all about consistency.

4. Get Familiar With Your Dentist

Part of a good oral hygiene routine is seeing a family dentist like Dr. Burkitt every six months for preventive dentistry, such as oral exams and cleanings. We recommend bringing your kids into our office consistently, every six months, starting when their first tooth emerges or when they turn one year old. Seeing the dentist regularly from an early age helps your child develop better oral hygiene habits, and gets them more comfortable with the process of a routine dental visit.

Follow These Tips – Improve Your Oral Hygiene Routine!

These tips are great for kids and adults! You can benefit from a better oral hygiene routine, just like your children. To learn more about developing healthy oral habits, or to schedule a routine checkup for your kids, contact the team at We Care Dental Care. You can give us a call at (540) 427-7274, or come to our office at 3433 Orange Ave, NE Suite A1, Roanoke, VA 24012 to schedule your appointment in person.

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